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Docket 15 Detail

Filed 03/10/2025 by Mollie Smith, Fredrikson&Byron, P.A. on behalf of Flickertail Solar Project, LLC

Letter Enclosing Prefiled Exhibit List, Certificate of Service and Prefiled Exhibits 1-10
322 Pages

15 Files:

Description Web
1 10 Cover Letter Y 261 KB
2 20 Prefiled Exhibit List Y 63 KB
3 30 Flickertail Hearing Exhibits Certificate of Service Y 81 KB
4 40 Prefiled Exhibit 1 - Application for a Certificate of Site Compatibility Y 8 KB
5 50 Prefiled Exhibit 2 - Project Update Figure Y 5 MB
6 60 Prefiled Exhibit 3 - Updated Application Figures 1-10 Y 9 MB
7 70 Prefiled Exhibit 4 - Class III Architectural Resources Y 16 MB
8 80 Prefiled Exhibit 5 - Additional Agency Correspondence Y 12 MB
9 90 Prefiled Exhibit 6 - Summary of Avoidance, Minimization and Mitigation Measures Y 260 KB
10 100 Prefiled Exhibit 7 - Signed Certification Relating to Order Provisions Y 493 KB
11 110 Prefiled Exhibit 8 - Prefiled Testimony of Nicholas Schuler Y 320 KB
12 120 Prefiled Exhibit 8-A - Schuler Resume Y 361 KB
13 130 Prefiled Exhibit 9 - Prefiled Testimony of Christina Martens Y 334 KB
14 140 Prefiled Exhibit 9-A - Martens Resume Y 242 KB
15 150 Prefiled Exhibit 10 - Updated Class III Cultural Inventory Report_PUBLIC Y 16 MB